Your Support Ignites Potential

Our mentoring programs are free to families facing adversity. Our impact lasts forever. Together we are creating generational change, one child at a time.


The Big Legacy Society

The BIG Legacy Society includes individuals who have shown a commitment to the long term future of Big Brothers Big Sisters of Metro Milwaukee
by committing a portion of their estate to the benefit of our mission.

Big Brothers Big Sisters of Metro Milwaukee has made a profound impact for tens of thousands of children since our founding in 1975. Your planned gift will help ensure even more youth are reached in our next 50 years. Legacy gifts allow you to have a lasting impact that will be felt for generations, while still allowing you to provide for your family.

As a Legacy Society member, we will provide you with regular updates from the agency with a quarterly e-newsletter, a mailed annual report, and invitations to key stakeholder events. All BIG Legacy Society members have the option to remain anonymous but if you allow us to, we would be honored to recognize you.

Founding Member: Tom Metcalfe

Your own wealth manager may be able to advise you on some ideal ways to leave a legacy with Big Brothers Big Sisters of Metro Milwaukee. No gift is too small – every legacy gift makes an impact. Possible opportunities include:

  • You can gift a specific dollar amount or asset. You can gift a percentage of your estate. You can gift from the balance or residue of your estate.
  • Include a bequest to BBBS in your will or revocable trust
  • Designate BBBS as a full, partial, or contingent beneficiary of your retirement account
  • Name BBBS as a beneficiary of your life insurance policy
  • Gifts of stocks, bonds or money market funds
  • Commit to naming Big Brothers Big Sisters of Metro Milwaukee in your obituary as the beneficiary of any gifts from your family and friends made in your memory.

You may become a member of the BIG Legacy Society simply by notifying us that you have named Big Brothers Big Sisters of Metro Milwaukee as a beneficiary in your will or estate plan. Please consider completing our Planned Gift Intention Form. Please be in touch with President & CEO Neil Willenson at or 414.831.4575 for any planned giving or membership inquiries.

Donor Advised Fund

A donor advised fund (DAF) is a charitable giving program that allows you to combine the most favorable tax benefits with the flexibility to support your favorite causes. If you have a donor advised fund, DAF Direct enables you to recommend grants to Big Brothers Big Sisters of Metro Milwaukee, directly from your DAF (as long as your DAF’s sponsoring organization is participating).

How does it work?

1. Establish your DAF by making an irrevocable, tax deductible donation to a public charity that sponsors a DAF program.

2. Advise the investment allocation of the donated assets (any investment growth is tax free).

3. Recommend grants to the charities you support, with the option of being recognized or remaining anonymous.