Safety Guidelines
Ten Safety Rules
This is designed to give you access to many of the most important safety rules for your match. Contact your Match Support Specialist if you have any questions.
✓ Absolutely NO overnights.
✓ Home visits are not allowed in the first three months of the match.
✓ Littles under 13 must sit in the backseat. Littles who are 6 or 7 must be in a booster seat.
✓ Someone over 18 must be present at both pick up and drop off.
✓ Keep your BBBS membership card with your Little’s emergency information on your person at all times.
✓ Massaging, sitting on laps, wrestling, rough housing, or tickling your Little is prohibited.
✓ Gifts must be under $50 and be bought with a purpose.
✓ Littles must be provided a private place to change and use the restroom.
✓ Both Caregiver’s and Little’s permission is necessary to take any photos.
✓ Follow all rating guidelines on movies and video games.

Click here for a full list of our Community-based Volunteer Rules and Responsibilities.