Outstanding Matches
2020-21 Sister Match of the Year: Zoe and Lisa
Little Sister Zoe was matched with her Big Sister Lisa in Big Brothers Big Sisters’ program more than 10 years ago when she was seven years old. Through their long-term…
Learn more about 2020-21 Sister Match of the Year: Zoe and Lisa
2020-21 Brother Match of the Year: Xavier and Aaron
Fourteen-year-old Little Brother Xavier was matched with his Big Brother Aaron 2018. Xavier was looking…
Read more about 2020-21 Brother Match of the Year: Xavier and Aaron
2019-20 Sister Match of the Year: Sofia and Katie
Little Sister Sofia enrolled in Big Brothers Big Sisters of Metro Milwaukee’s mentoring program in…
Read more about 2019-20 Sister Match of the Year: Sofia and Katie
2019-20 Brother Match of the Year: Geremiah & Josh
Little Brother Geremiah was 14 years old when Big Brothers Big Sisters of Metro Milwaukee…
2018-19 Sister Match of the Year
Meet Bertha, a Veritas High School student, and her mentor Treanna, a volunteer from GE…
2018-2019 Brother Match of the Year: AJ and James
Little Brother James and Big Brother AJ have been matched since 2011. James was just…
2017-2018 Matches of the Year: Kamerin & Drew and Bethany & Margaret
Little Brother Kamerin and Big Brother Drew were matched four years ago when Kamerin was…