We're Here to Help
Need to get in touch with us? We want to answer your questions and hear your suggestions. Reach out via phone, mail, email, or social media.
Contact Us
Big Brothers Big Sisters of Metro Milwaukee
788 N Jefferson St, Suite 600
Milwaukee, WI 53202
Click for Map and driving directions
Phone: (414) 258-4778
Fax: (414) 607-0135
Email: info@bbbsmilwaukee.org
Click for Staff List
For Media Inquiries: Call/Text (414) 831-4588
Office Hours: Monday-Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. and by appointment.
Emergency Line:
If you are a volunteer, parent or child currently matched in our program and you have a child safety issue or an emergency needing immediate support after hours, please dial our emergency line (414) 831-4589 and leave a message. You will receive a response from a Big Brothers Big Sisters staff member within 30 minutes.